When you think granola bars, you think health! And mark my words, a granola bar provides you with more than one health benefit.
Ingredients :
Dates (seedless) – 1 cup
Honey – 1/4 cup
Almonds – 1/2 cup
Oats – 1.5 cup
Dark chocolate – 1/4 cup
Salt – as per taste
Peanut butter – 1/4 cup
Recipe :
Take a pan and roast oats and almonds.
Down burn it and put it aside to cool down.
Soak the dates for 20 mins. Deseed them and then blend in mixer pot to make a paste.
Cut the chocolate in small pieces and put 3/4 it in a bowl with oats, almonds, dates Oates, and a pinch of salt.
In a pan, mix honey and peanut butter.
Pour this warm mixture in the bowl and mix well.
Line a tray with silver foil and put the mixture in the tray. Press it firmly to get a flattened surface.
Sprinkle remaining chocolate and lightly press.
Put in the freezer for 20-25 mins.
Once firm, cut in into bars.