I was dreaming and saw God beside me
God asked, "Why are you sad?"
I replied, "Lord my life is a mess and
I hate and it's making me mad."
God smiled and sat beside me
He gently took my hand and said "Let me
explain to you and then you'll understand
there's no reason to be angry and take this stand.
Every disappointment is a step of peak
you must climb each day,
And every step you climb
is a dissatisfaction that's passed away.
The path of life is a hilly road,
with potholes, to make you learn,
But as you fight on your way,
I the Rock, will lend support on every turn.
Every step you climb,
makes your heart and aura grow strong.
Keep faith in me and yourself
this route is painful but it's where you belong.
Every step is paved with obstacles,
to nurture your character and soul,
Though difficult, they aid your way,
to a life paved with gold.
I know that you are exhausted,
Same as every person who has walked this way,
Their difficulties did multiply,
but they jumped many steps away.
I left my steps of mountain for you to climb up,
I left behind my life.
To give you strength to make your climb,
to that special place and the make ultimate dive.
And never fear, I'm here,
You'll climb this peak too, they aren't the alphs
Surmount life's disappointments, continue on,
For they are nothing merely steps.
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