As he fills colours in his canvas, he tries to potrait his side of the world. The world through his eyes. The world unexplored. The world full of possibilities.
The artist had some money spare
And so, he bought again,
Not well-off, like some millionaire,
No fortune there and then...
Except, of course, a heart of gold
And hair of silver shine
And talent that must yet unfold,
A blessing quite divine...
When he got home, new brushes bought,
New paints to mix in time,
He praised God with his every thought,
For painting felt sublime...
To fashion forms from what was seen,
To tell some story, too,
With rainbow colours, red, blue, green,
Set forth by God to view...
By faith, beginning till the end,
By joy, beginning well,
The colours joining as a blend,
In harmony to gel...
It's what the artist loved the best,
The joy of genesis,
The hope in time his paintings blessed
Brought him eternal bliss...